Monday, April 21, 2008

Inner Peace

Rick Redford, VP of Global Sales

April 21, 2008

I had a very unique experience this past Saturday. Many of you know that I have been active in sports and working out for most of my life. I was a competitive swimmer and water polo player through high school, and have participated in many competitive sports leagues. I continue to train at this time for triathlons and will be participating in my first event at the end of May. I have always enjoyed working out but have never taken the opportunity to take a Yoga class. I attended my first on Saturday.

The class began with a warm up that consisted of becoming more aware of our inner peace and self. It was interesting in the sense that I had been thinking about all the noise that surrounds us in our lives. There is such a loud din around us at all times. It is unbelievable at times how loud the noise is around us. Can you relate to this? It was such a pleasure to just relax, close my eyes, and place myself in a place of presence and awareness. The person leading the class read from a book titled “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle. I will include a small excerpt from the author’s website:

“We believe that awakening is not a single event. In our experience, it is a continuous unfolding and expansion. Many people need on-going spiritual support to stay grounded and connected to who they truly are as Presence, Consciousness, Awareness, Spirit…. “

I definitely had an awakening through this experience and totally enjoyed this experience. There was no doctrine taught, it was just experiential and in a very personal way. I plan on doing this each Saturday together with my wife and some friends.

Back to the idea of noise. I am convinced that truly successful people are able to stay focused and optimistic, despite the loud noise that surrounds them. What distracts us the most from achieving our goals is the negative and loud noise that we hear around us or--even worse--that our subconscious tells us. We have continuous negative self-talk that drowns out the positive reinforcement that is also surrounding us. It is just a matter of clearing our minds once in a while and allowing the positive sounds to be heard.

There are many beautiful sounds around us. Listen to the early morning sounds of spring; birds chirping, waves rolling--if you are fortunate enough to live near a beach, the breeze through the trees, children playing, etc. You don’t have to go far to hear the beautiful sounds that are usually drowned out by the “drift” and the “drift influenced” sounds.

Winston Churchill said, “For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else”

This week, I invite each of us to practice every morning, as well as throughout the day, to replace the negative sounds and noise that surrounds us with positive sounds and reinforcement. I recommend sitting in a quiet place and meditating, praying, or whatever is consistent with your belief system to place yourself in a present, aware state. Consider the noise that surrounds you. Focus on the positive sounds that uplift and direct you on a course to success and peace. Practice this daily and I am confident that your week will bring you more success, more peace and better direction.

Make it a great day you deserve it,

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