Monday, March 24, 2008

I believe there are three types of people:

1) Those that make things happen.
2) Those that wait and watch things happen.
3) Those who look back and wonder what happened.

We have spoken many times about having the power to create anything that we want to create. The most successful DVD over the past two years was The Secret. The Secret focuses on the power of intention in our lives. I believe that any success in life requires more than mere intention. Although intention is the first step, my opinion is that intention without action is the difference between dreams fulfilled and a lifetime of unachieved wishes.
I have always believed that our road in life is an uphill road. If we are not pushing forward, we are moving back. I don’t believe that this is a negative thought process. It keeps me driving ahead and making forward progress.

Many people fall into number two from the list above: Those who wait and watch it happen. They are in a constant state of waiting. Waiting for a better time, waiting to have more money or time, waiting to find the energy and so on. I often think, if we had waited to have children until a time when we could afford them, I would still be waiting. I would have missed out on all the joys and experiences that children have provided in my life.

In summary, there is never a better time than now to achieve your dreams. What are you waiting for? You ALL have the divine potential for greatness. If you have forgotten this, it is time to reach down and remember that you are an amazing, beautiful person.

Now is the time. This is the place. It is up to you. Make it happen!

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