Monday, March 31, 2008
Have you ever spent time wondering why many good people continually attract negative situations into their lives while others seem to attract nothing but beautiful situations into theirs. This concept contains power, possibility, and promise if you will use it.
You are God's highest form of creation. You are a living breathing creative magnet. You have the ability to control what you attract into your life. There have always been small select groups of individuals who are aware of how to work in harmony with this natural law of the universe: The Law of Attraction.
This law clearly states you can only attract to you that which is in harmony with you. Everything in the universe vibrates. That is based on the Law of Vibration. That includes your mind and body. Look at your body through a microscope, it is a mass of energy that is moving and vibrating. Your mind controls the vibration you are in at any given moment. You control your mind by the thoughts you choose. No one can cause you to think something you do not want to think. This is where freedom comes in, this is also where the problem begins with most people. They permit what is happening around them to determine how they think. They have become the play-thing for outside forces.
Ninety percent of the population wish positive but think negative. Their negative thoughts puts them in a negative vibration which by law determines what is attracted into their lives. As a creative individual you will continually attract good things into your life by thinking positive thoughts and expecting the best life has to offer. You deserve it.
Bob Proctor,
Law of Attraction.,
Monday, March 24, 2008
George Carlins's View on Aging
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height.
let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening,
Whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is
with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether its family, pets,
Keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable,
improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next County;
to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments, that takes our breath away.
I believe there are three types of people:
1) Those that make things happen.
2) Those that wait and watch things happen.
3) Those who look back and wonder what happened.
We have spoken many times about having the power to create anything that we want to create. The most successful DVD over the past two years was The Secret. The Secret focuses on the power of intention in our lives. I believe that any success in life requires more than mere intention. Although intention is the first step, my opinion is that intention without action is the difference between dreams fulfilled and a lifetime of unachieved wishes.
I have always believed that our road in life is an uphill road. If we are not pushing forward, we are moving back. I don’t believe that this is a negative thought process. It keeps me driving ahead and making forward progress.
Many people fall into number two from the list above: Those who wait and watch it happen. They are in a constant state of waiting. Waiting for a better time, waiting to have more money or time, waiting to find the energy and so on. I often think, if we had waited to have children until a time when we could afford them, I would still be waiting. I would have missed out on all the joys and experiences that children have provided in my life.
In summary, there is never a better time than now to achieve your dreams. What are you waiting for? You ALL have the divine potential for greatness. If you have forgotten this, it is time to reach down and remember that you are an amazing, beautiful person.
Now is the time. This is the place. It is up to you. Make it happen!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Here are 10 things that authentic leaders do on a regular basis:
1. They speak their truth. In business today, we frequently 'swallow our truth'. We say things to please others and to look good in front of The Crowd. Authentic leaders are different. They consistently talk truth. They would never betray themselves by using words that are not aligned with who they are. This does not give anyone a license to say things that are hurtful to people. Speaking truth is simply about being clear, being honest and being authentic.
2. They lead from the heart. Business is about people. Leadership is about people. The best leaders wear their hearts on their sleeves and are not afraid to show their vulnerability. They genuinely care about other people and spend their days developing the people around them. They are like the sun: the sun gives away all it has to the plants and the trees. But in return, the plants and the trees always grow toward the sun.
3. They have rich moral fiber. Who you are speaks far more loudly than anything you could ever say. Strength of character is true power - and people can feel it a mile away. Authentic leaders work on their character.
They walk their talk and are aligned with their core values. They are noble and good. And in doing so, people trust, respect and listen to them.
4. They are courageous. It takes a lot of courage to go against the crowd. It takes a lot of courage to be a visionary. It takes a lot of inner strength to do what you think is right even though it may not be easy. We live in a world where so many people walk the path of least resistance. Authentic leadership is all about taking the road less traveled and doing not what is easy, but what is right.
5. They build teams and create communities. One of the primary things that people are looking for in their work experience is a sense of community. In the old days, we got our community from where we lived. We would have block parties and street picnics. In the new age of work, employees seek their sense of community and connection from the workplace. Authentic leaders create workplaces that foster human linkages and lasting friendships.
6. They deepen themselves. The job of the leader is to go deep. Authentic leaders know themselves intimately. They nurture a strong self-relationship. They know their weaknesses and play to their strengths.
And they always spend a lot of time transcending their fears.
7. They are dreamers. Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” It is from our imaginations that great things are born.
Authentic leaders dare to dream impossible dreams. They see what everyone else sees and then dream up new possibilities. They spend a lot of time with their eyes closed creating blueprints and fantasies that lead to better products, better services, better workplaces and deeper value. How often do you close your eyes and dream?
8. They care for themselves. Taking care of your physical dimension is a sign of self-respect. You can’t do great things at work if you don’t feel good. Authentic leaders eat well, exercise and care for the temples that are their bodies. They spend time in nature, drink plenty of water and get regular massages so that, physically, they are operating at planet-class levels of performance.
9. They commit to excellence rather than perfection. No human being is perfect. Every single one of us is a work in progress. Authentic leaders commit themselves to excellence in everything that they do. They are constantly pushing the envelope and raising their standards. They do not seek perfection and have the wisdom to know the difference. What would your life look like if you raised your standards well beyond what anyone could ever imagine of you?
10. They leave a legacy. To live in the hearts of the people around you is to never die. Success is wonderful but significance is even better. You were made to contribute and to leave a mark on the people around you. In failing to live from this frame of reference, you betray yourself.
Authentic leaders are constantly building their legacies by adding deep value to everyone that they deal with and leaving the world a better place in the process.
Success. Liberty League
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret
Ask, Believe, Receive - just three simple steps to create what you want. However, very often the second step, believe, can be the most difficult one. And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take. When you master believing, you have mastered your life.
To master believing, all you have to do is tip the balance of your thoughts, words, and actions, from 'not believing' to believing. The ONLY thing that can ever get in the way of manifesting what you want, is having more thoughts of 'not believing', speaking more words of 'not believing', and taking more actions of 'not believing', than you are of believing. Base the majority of your thoughts, words, and actions in believing, and the law of attraction must obey you.
Believing contains no doubt. Believing does not waiver. Believing is absolute faith. Believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.
Here is a story of believing that will speak to you and inspire you......... to believe.
From SFB in the Philippines:- 'My Own Daily Reminder'
When you open my cell phone, the first word that you will see pop-up on my greeting screen is "BELIEVE". I have had that word tacked up onto my computer screen, my vanity mirror, my journal - almost anywhere that I can see it. However, I have never really taken what that word means to heart. This afternoon, I know what it is like to believe.
A few days ago, I got hold of the DVD of The Secret. I had already read the book some time ago, and I wanted to watch the film. I decided to take The Secret's message to heart.
Each morning, I had been waking up and dreading going to work - the company I work for has a very stressful environment, and being there takes a lot out of me. Despite this, I would tell myself and really feel that I was excited to go to work, that it was going to be a good day, that only good things were coming my way. Doing this helped me. I would get through my days tired, but still able to laugh and feel less stressed. I also developed a more compassionate view of the people in our office who made our lives hard. I started seeing them not as monsters, but as people who hurt inside like we do. I was happy with this result - it made me feel more serene and calm and less stressed. It also started making me more productive at work, as I no longer let the tense atmosphere affect me.
But I was in for a little surprise. The Universe wanted to show me just how this process works. :-)
Each Christmas season, Starbucks gives out daily planners to its loyal customers. The planners are usually covered in real leather and are quite striking and stylish. To get one, you have to fill up a small card with 24 stickers - each sticker represents one cup of coffee bought in Starbucks. In our country, a cup of Starbucks coffee costs an average of Philippine Peso 150.00 - about the cost of one lunch and transportation to and from work. In a country where wages aren't that high, this is quite a luxury, and although I get paid a bit more than the average worker, this is a bit much for someone who has a family like me. I have tried for three years to get the stickers required, but each year I stop about midway when I start computing the cost! This year, when they started the annual promo, I got a card and wondered if I could fill it up with the required stickers.
I had worked my way into getting 18 stickers onto the card - no mean feat considering that I started collecting the stickers the day the promo started, or almost two months ago! I had scrimped and saved to get at least two stickers a week - sometimes three if I had a little extra left over. I wanted to get that planner before Christmas - my gift to myself.
With only five days left till Christmas, I wasn't sure that I could fill up the card. I was beginning to think this was going to be one of those years when I'd just watch other people lug the Starbucks planner around and wish I had one.
This morning, as I was taking a shower and just enjoying the water splashing on my face, I told myself I was getting that Starbucks planner TODAY. I didn't really know how since I still had 6 stickers to fill up. When I got up from my desk to get my coffee after lunch, I told my staff I was going to get my Starbucks planner. All the while I was thinking: "Now, how is that possible? I can't afford to buy 6 cups of coffee today."
As I stood in line, I kept staring at the planner displayed on the counter. I could feel the leather cover between my fingers and I could imagine writing on its sepia colored pages. All of a sudden I heard the barista ask the girls ahead of me if they wanted to give me their stickers, since they already had their planners and didn't want their stickers anymore. The girls said YES. I almost jumped - I had three free stickers, plus the one for the coffee I was getting made four, which meant that I only needed two more to get the planner. At that point, I was already sooooo thankful and I expressed my thanks to the three young girls who graciously gave me their stickers. (They were my three magi -- only in female form, don't you think?)
But that wasn't the end of it. It so happened that as part of Starbucks Manila's 10th year anniversary, they were giving away double stickers between the hours of 12:30 noon and 2:30 p.m. till December 25. It was 1:00 p.m. so I was getting double stickers!!!! That meant I was getting SIX stickers in all - the number I needed to get my planner!!!!! I walked out of the shop with my planner in the brown Starbucks bag, still in shock, but convinced that I had tapped into the Secret.. even if it was just for a short moment.
I instantly knew why I kept the word BELIEVE tacked in all those places. The Secret had been trying to get to me all these years through that word - I just wasn't really listening.
I have my planner on my desk now. The leather cover feels just as it did when I was imagining how it would feel when I touched it. I have told my co-workers how I got it - I told them I simply believed I was going to get it and I did.
This planner will be with me all through next year. It will be my daily reminder to BELIEVE.
(And oh - I'm already seeing the 2009 planner on a bigger desk in a corner office with a view!)
. . .
Click here for more inspirational Secret Stories.
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions
Thursday, March 13, 2008
How to Network
For many entrepreneurs networking is a must to build your contact list the fastest way possible. After all, networking is one of the least expensive, most effective forms of marketing that you can do!
Besides if you have no customers yet and nothing to do - you have to do something! Networking is also the best way to build relationships; no other form of marketing or advertising can do this for you. People buy from people they like and connect with.
I've been self employed for three years and I'm still networking; I'm just more selective now on where and who I network with.
As my business started picking up, I reduced the number of groups I was involved in and remained in only those that were the best fit for me and that brought me the most clients. I was extremely active in those that I stayed in so that I would be well known; basically I became the Go-to-Gal for my industry and associations.
This is what you want. You want for others to see you as the expert in your field. The key is though to be selfless, generous and knowledgeable in the process.
These days I'm networking even online through various social networking sites like MySpace, business networking sites like LinkedIn and FastPitch and other membership sites that I belong to too but this all takes time and finesse as well.
Rarely do I see very many really good networkers though so I urge you to learn more, practice your skills, focus on giving to others and really work at becoming the best networker you can because it will pay off with more customers and bigger profits.
Here are a few habits that a good networker typically exudes; they will:
* Go with a goal
* Be prepared, mentally and with materials
* Arrive early and stay late
* Work the room
* Master their 'commercials' and alter them as needed
* Introduce others around
* Pass people off nicely and move on
* Ask questions of the other person
* Know to listen more than they talk
* Take notes on cards
* Quickly and repeatedly follow up
So, how to you match up? What are you doing?
One thing I want to remind you of is that no matter which ones you are doing if you are NOT doing the very last one listed - the FOLLOW UP - then I can tell you right now that you are absolutely wasting your time (and money) doing the networking in the first place!!
I can't stress to you enough that if you find yourself not being able to get your follow up done - then figure out someone to delegate this to. It's worth whatever it costs to pay someone to do this for you because it could mean the difference between one sale and fourteen sales!
Dave & Debbie
Besides if you have no customers yet and nothing to do - you have to do something! Networking is also the best way to build relationships; no other form of marketing or advertising can do this for you. People buy from people they like and connect with.
I've been self employed for three years and I'm still networking; I'm just more selective now on where and who I network with.
As my business started picking up, I reduced the number of groups I was involved in and remained in only those that were the best fit for me and that brought me the most clients. I was extremely active in those that I stayed in so that I would be well known; basically I became the Go-to-Gal for my industry and associations.
This is what you want. You want for others to see you as the expert in your field. The key is though to be selfless, generous and knowledgeable in the process.
These days I'm networking even online through various social networking sites like MySpace, business networking sites like LinkedIn and FastPitch and other membership sites that I belong to too but this all takes time and finesse as well.
Rarely do I see very many really good networkers though so I urge you to learn more, practice your skills, focus on giving to others and really work at becoming the best networker you can because it will pay off with more customers and bigger profits.
Here are a few habits that a good networker typically exudes; they will:
* Go with a goal
* Be prepared, mentally and with materials
* Arrive early and stay late
* Work the room
* Master their 'commercials' and alter them as needed
* Introduce others around
* Pass people off nicely and move on
* Ask questions of the other person
* Know to listen more than they talk
* Take notes on cards
* Quickly and repeatedly follow up
So, how to you match up? What are you doing?
One thing I want to remind you of is that no matter which ones you are doing if you are NOT doing the very last one listed - the FOLLOW UP - then I can tell you right now that you are absolutely wasting your time (and money) doing the networking in the first place!!
I can't stress to you enough that if you find yourself not being able to get your follow up done - then figure out someone to delegate this to. It's worth whatever it costs to pay someone to do this for you because it could mean the difference between one sale and fourteen sales!
Dave & Debbie
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
From 2006-2016, U.S. household wealth will double to $100 trillion, and 10 million new U.S. households will become The Next Millionaires
*†‡ According to the New York Times Bestselling Author, World-renowned Economist, a Multimillionaire software Entrepreneur, an adjunct professor, and the author of seven best-selling books and dozens of scholarly publications -- Paul Zane Pilzer -- who is openly praised by many business leaders including Sam Walton (owner of Wal-Mart) -- said the following in one of his bestselling books, 'The Next Millionaires':
"In the United States, household wealth tripled--growing from $13 trillion in 1991 to more than $40 trillion in 2001. Over the same ten years, the number of U.S. millionaire households doubled, jumping from 3.6 million in 1991 to 7.2 million in 2001. U.S. household wealth rose 20 percent to $48 trillion--the number of U.S. millionaires grew from 7.2 million in 2001 to 8.5 million by the end of 2004.
But this is only the beginning. Similar to where we were in 1990, the U.S. and certain parts of the world economy in 2005 are about to experience the greatest economic boom in our history. †From 2006-2016, U.S. household wealth will double to $100 trillion, and 10 million new U.S. households will become The Next Millionaires--bringing the total number of U.S. millionaire households to 18.5 million. This has enormous implications for individuals today wanting to join the millionaire population explosion, and for companies and professionals wanting to market to this new elite class of 18.5 million millionaire households, representing about 40 million people in the U.S. alone. If this seems impossible consider this: I am only predicting a doubling of U.S. household wealth to $100 trillion in the next decade--it tripled in the 1990s; and it takes only $10 trillion to create 10 million new millionaires from scratch.
Perspective on wealth in America, given 100,000,000 Households:
7 million have a total net worth of $1 million or more, i.e., 1 in 14
3 million have investments of $1 million or more
1 million have a total net worth of $5 million or more
** Source: Extensive research by Dr. Danko - written in the book The Millionaire Next Door.
*"Who will those new millionaires be? Many of them will be network marketers (home based business)."
‡"Ten million new millionaires will be created between 2006-2016... especially if you are in direct selling, technology, home-based business, product distribution or an emerging industry." (This exact direct response ad is for a home-based business that have these (4) factors included in one business system).
To get some perspective on where the most accessible fortunes lie in the new economy, let’s look back at two historical examples of surprising new industries—the automobile and the personal computer—and then look ahead at two new industries that are just now on the rise: direct selling or direct response marketing and (personal development) wellness.
Right now, network marketing is the only force I see that has the potential to effect the huge change that’s so badly needed. And when you go out into the world to help improve people’s personal and economic wellness, you are adding value to society and contributing to the betterment of the world.
Now let’s go back to that forecast of $100 trillion in household wealth by 2016. (And remember, that’s a conservative forecast.) Where will that new $52 trillion come from? Of course, the majority of it will go to make those people who are already wealthy still wealthier. But at least 20 percent of it—$10 trillion or more—will represent new entrepreneurs coming to the table. That $10 trillion represents ten million new millionaires.
We don’t just expect to live more years—we expect to live better years. This same shift in expectations is a strong contributing factor in network marketing as well. In the new economy, the sheer quantity of compensation is no longer enough. People today also demand a better quality of compensation. We don’t simply want money, we want lifestyle.
Today’s workers understand that it doesn’t matter how much money you earn if you never get to see your spouse or children, or if you sacrifice your health for your work.
This is a demand that didn’t exist in the past. During the Industrial Age, the question “Are you truly happy with your life?” would have been greeted by most as self-indulgent nonsense. “Happy?! What a question! I’m making money.”
Today we want more. Our economy and living standards have grown to the point where we not only expect to make a living, but also expect to have the best possible experience living that life. We don’t want to have to sacrifice family for work, or vice versa.
Just as baby boomers want to be younger and healthier, they also want to have the economic freedom to enjoy their continuing state of health. We don’t just want more dollars; we want better dollars. And there is one emerging form of economic enterprise that perfectly fits this description: network marketing.”
To Your Success,
Balance Your Workload With a Generous Number of Mini-Vacations for Maximum Productivity
By re-energizing and renewing yourself frequently, you will avoid burnout and become much more motivated and productive. Don't keep your nose to the grindstone for years and wait for retirement to travel. Balance and consistency are the keys. Enjoy the process, not just the result. Don't fight the passing of time. Don't fear it, squander it, or try to hide from it under a superficial cosmetic veil of fads and indulgences. Life and time go together. Do enjoy each phase of life. Do make the most of each day, and draw maximum joy from each moment.
Many people today are concerned with quality time - time generally defined in part as that spent on recreation, personal pursuits, time with children, spouses and friends. While I certainly believe quality time is important, I believe two other aspects of time are equally important.
First, one must also spend quantity time. The average father spends less than 30 minutes each week in direct one-on-one communication with each of his children. How can we possibly expect good family relationships with so little communication?
Second, one must spend regular time. Many supervisors and company presidents go for weeks, even months, without seeing many of their employees. There's no substitute for regular meetings and open forums in which managers and team members can share ideas.
Time has a dual structure. On one hand, we live our daily routines meeting present contingencies as they arise. On the other hand, our most ambitious goals and desires need time so that they can be assembled and cemented. A long-term goal connects pieces of time into one block. These blocks can be imagined and projected into the future as we do when we set goals for ourselves. Or, these blocks of time can be created in retrospect as we do when we look back at what we've accomplished.
It's not in the image of our big dreams that we run the risk of losing our focus and motivation. It's the drudgery and routine of our daily lives that present the greatest danger to our hopes for achievement. Good time management means that you maximize the daily return on the energy and mental effort you expend.
Ways to maximize your time productivity:
• Write down in one place all the important contacts you have and all of your goals and priorities. Make a back up copy, preferably on CD, DVD or Zip disc. Write down every commitment you make at the time you make it.
• Stop wasting the first hour of your workday. Having the chat and first cup of coffee, reading the paper, and socializing are the three costliest opening exercises that lower productivity.
• Do one thing well at a time. It takes time to start and stop work on each activity. Stay with a task until it is completed.
• Don't open unimportant mail. More than a fourth of the mail you receive can be tossed before you open or read it, and that includes e-mail.
• Handle each piece of paper only once and nëver more than twice. Don't set aside anything without taking action. Carry work, reading material, audiotapes and your laptop computer with you everywhere you go. Convert down time into uplink time.
• Spend twenty minutes at the beginning of each week and ten minutes at the beginning of each day planning your to do list.
• Set aside personal relaxation time during the day. Don't work during lunch. It's neither noble nor nutritional to skip important energy input and stress-relieving time. Throughout the day, ask yourself, “What's the best use of my time right nöw?” As the day grows short, focus on projects you can least afford to leave undone.
• And as we said at the beginning of this message, take vacations often, mini-vacations of two or three days, and leave your work at homë. The harder you work, the more you need to balance your exercise and leisure time.
Action Idea: Plan a relaxing 3-day vacation within the next three months without taking any business work with you. Reserve it on your calendar this week.
About the Author:
Denis Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high përformance human achievement. He has inspired, informed, challenged and entertained audiences for over 25 years from the boardrooms of multi-national corporations to the control rooms of NASA's space program.
Article by Shane Krider-Shane Krider ...
co-founder of Liberty League International
Many times in life we find success is easily within our grasp but other times we seem to struggle. Why is it success comes so easily at times but other times, no matter how hard we work or try to succeed, it always seems to be just out of our reach?
Ultimately, what holds us back the most from achieving our goals is the conditioning from our past that we are clinging to. It’s our beliefs that keep us stuck. In order to exceed what we have achieved in the past, we must be willing to let go of the limiting beliefs we have of other people, the world, and ourselves. When it comes to things we struggle with, the beliefs that are holding us back are reinforced. Reinforced in that we feel it will cost us something to let go. We think these beliefs somehow protect us even though we can plainly see the damage they are doing in our lives.
The easiest way to let go of the reinforced beliefs that no longer serve us is to come to grips with what they are really costing us and everyone around us. Then, any amount of pain we believe we might feel will seem like a small price to pay in exchange for giving up our hold on these beliefs.
What is not always easy to recognize at the beginning of this journey is how unbelievably good it actually feels to rid ourselves of these haunting beliefs. There is no pain in letting go of these beliefs; the pain solely comes from trying to hold on. The more of these beliefs you discard, the easier it gets. You can quickly find a whole new level of inner peace, and emotional balance through just letting go.
Your mind will soon quiet and you will find an inner peace. Amazingly, you will begin to hear all the chatter in everyone else's minds as it is clear in their spoken language (Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah). As you listen to others, you can begin to hear their fears, regrets, self doubts and all the other nonsense we allow to hold ourselves back.
You can especially hear it in your prospects. You know when someone is lying (they are not lying to you..... they are lying to themselves, in front of you), and you know when someone has put on a fake personality to have a conversation with you. Once your mind is quiet, you will have no tolerance for this behavior. You will start challenging your prospects with a whole new level of posture. You will be able to cut like a knife right to the "real" reasons people are choosing to stay stuck. And, you’ll find you are able to quickly recognize who your prospect is after just a few minutes of an interview. You will be empowered to ask your prospects questions that will “wake them up” and challenge them to break out of their fake persona and actually “get real” with you. You may be the first person they have gotten real with in years. They will definitely see you as a "real person" and they will believe they can trust you, a stranger on the phone, more than they trust anyone else in their life. In many cases, they will trust you and be more real with you than they are with their spouse, their co-workers, anyone. They will recognize you as the leader who can show them how to get real results in their life. This level of presence and posture, is what true leaders operate with and why they never feel the need to convince. True leaders engage in a powerful, authentic conversation in which they are not afraid to challenge their prospects and they simply ask people to follow their own hearts.
It is truly a gift to be able to communicate with people on this level; a gift you give yourself. Prospecting with a quiet mind allows you to maintain a high level of relaxed confident energy and you will never see prospecting as difficult or draining again.
Once you have experienced this level of authentic communication with people, you will begin to recognize all the times your so-called friends let you off the hook, or obviously aren't even really listening to you. You will begin to see how fake and self-absorbed most people are. You will see very quickly why people never get the results they say they want. They are totally unwilling to let go of the stories they have created about the reality of how life really is. Letting go of these stories would mean they would actually have to take responsibility for all of their results in life. The good news for us is there are millions of people out there who are serious about making a real change in their lives and feel stuck because everyone around them has their own agendas.
So, if you are ready to break free, here is what will be required. The first and only thing you must do is give up and abandon the beliefs no longer serving you. Once you have done this, the people you speak with will be like an open book. You will get a picture of what they say they want, and you will recognize how what they are actually saying with their language eliminates that as a possibility for their life. When you begin prospecting with a quiet mind, you will begin to hear the message behind what your prospect is saying and feel comfortable challenging them.
For example, you might say at some point during the interview, "You told me that you want to make 100k a year and are willing to do what ever it takes, but now you’re saying that you only willing to do what it takes if it won’t cost you anything." You can be calm and confident in the challenge, allowing your prospect to recognize how stuck they are. The prospect will either wake-up or will attempt to engage you in a self-serving defense of their limiting beliefs.
With this level of presence and posture, you will be confident in releasing the prospect if you believe they don’t have the drive, desire and gusto to really make this happen for himself. In the same scenario, when your mind is not so quiet, you might try to convince the prospect of the logic behind coming up with the start up cost in order to make millions. This is silly, and it insults the intelligence of the prospect (whether they know it or not) and it’s just you, trying to save the sale without any consideration of yourself or your prospect.
The only reason you would ever feel the need to convince, explain or sell is when you are not present and are operating from a place of force rather than power. The reason we engage in conversations when others are attempting to defend their limiting beliefs is because we want to be right and feel insecure ourselves.
In releasing your limiting beliefs, you will also release the need to operate from a place of force and righteousness, allowing the flow to happen freely. You will find yourself relaxed, confident and assured of your greater good as you prospect and move forward in your business.
--Shane Krider is the Co Founder of Liberty League International
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